Normally, a visa can be obtained from the Thai Embassy or Consulate in your country that is valid for 90 days. If you wish to stay for one year, there are two ways that can be done:
1. An alien submits an application for a non-immigrant visa at a Thai Embassy or Consulate which will be sent to the Immigration Bureau in Thailand.
2. A company in Thailand who wishes to employ an alien submits an application to the Immigration Bureau, Section 3, Sub-division 1, Immigration Division, Old Building, 3rd Floor, Room 303, Tel. 287-4948 1 or 287-3101-10 Ext. 2237
In the case where an alien who holds any kind of visas for stay in the Kingdom wishes to travel abroad before his or her visa expires, the alien must apply for a re- entry permit. A re-entry permit allows you to re-enter the Kingdom and use the time remaining on your visa. If a re-entry permit is not applied for, the visa will automatically be cancelled although it has not expired.
Place to contact:
For the Bangkok/Central Areas:
Section 3, Sub-division 1, Immigration Division 1, 1 st Floor, Window No. 6, Old Building, Tel. 287-3101 -10 Ext. 2274
For The Provincial Area:
Contact day Immigration check-point through-out the country.
1. Passport or substitute travel document
2. One 4x6 cm. Photo
3. Application Form T.M. 8
4. 500 Bath fee per application. A re-entry permit may be obtained several times.
Periodically, the Immigration Bureau receives applications for permanent residence. Public announcements will be made at such times. Foreigners with non- immigrant visas who have resided in Thailand continuously for three years (on 1-year visa extensions), may apply for permanent residency.
Place to contact:
For more detailed information, pamphlets and applications forms, please contact Section 1, Sub-division 1, Immigration Division 1. Room 301, 3rd Floor,Old Building, tel . 287-3117 or 287-3101-10 Ext. 2234-5.
There are two requirements for aliens with permanent resident visas who wish to travel abroad:
1. Submit his/her resident's book for endorsement before leaving, as well as:
2. Bring his/her passport to apply for a non-quota immigrant visa in order to reserve the right to have permanent residence in the country. After leaving, the applicant must return within a year of receiving the endorse- ment. If he/she did not receive an endorsement or return within that time period, the applicant will automatically forfeit their permanent residence visa. Within this one year time period, the applicant can enter and leave the country as many times as a non-quota immigrant visa permits.
Place to contact:
For the Central/Bangkok Area:
Section 2, Sub-division 1, Immigration Division 1, 1st Floor, Old Building, Tel. 287-3101-10 Ext. 2273
For Provincial Areas:
Contact any Immigration check-point throughout the country.
1. Resident's book
2. Alien identification card
3. Passport or substitute document
4. Work permit (if any)
5. Three 4x6 cm. Photos
6. Application Form, T.M. 13; for those of Chinese nationality other nationalities need 2 copies.
7. 1 copy of Application Form T.M. 22
8. 500 bath for endorsement fee, 500 bath for non-quota i per application. Subsequent applications can be made.
9. An alien must apply in person each time.
Procedures for Lost Passport.
A foreigner whose passport was either lost or stolen after ent dom must do the following:
* A report must be filed at the local police station in the ar passport was lost or stolen.
* Bring the police report to your embassy or consulate and a passport or substitute document. If there is no embassy Thailand, please contact the Passport Division of the Mini Affairs.
* Bring your new passport or substitute document to the I Bureau to have your visa division 4, Immigration Bureau, Floor, Old Building, Te1287-3911 or 287-3101-10 Ext. 22 the following:
- Passport or substitute document
- The report from a police station
- A document from the Embassy or consulate certifying the (if any).
Reporting of Alien's Residence.
The Immigration Bureau must be informed when a foreigner rents the property of a Thai citizen.
Place to contact :
In the Central/Bangkok Area :
Section 4 (Record & Statis Subdivision 4, Immigration Bureau, Room 311, 3 Id Floor, Old 287-3911 or 287-3101-10 Ext. 2244
For provincial areas :
The owner of the house must inform Immigration Office or if not available. the local police station
Reporting Procedures :
- Authorities must be informed within 24 hours of the alien's occupancy.
- The above procedures may be done by mail.
- After 90 days in the country, an alien must report his/her address to the Bureau. Reporting must be done every 90 days thereafter.
Fines for Over-Staying Visas.
According to Section 81 of "Immigration Act, B.E. 2522 (1979)", aliens who overstay their visas and voluntarily report this to the Immigration Bureau, will be fined 100 bath for each day the visa is overstayed but not more than a total o 20,000 Bath.
Where to pay fines:
In the Central/Bangkok Area :
Investigation Unit, Immigration Bureau, Room 416, 4th Floor, Old Building, Tel. 287-312 or 287-3101 Ext. 2204-9 or at the Bangkok International Airport Departure Section upon the alien's departure from the Kingdom.
For provincial areas:
All Immigration Checkpoints upon the alien's departure from the Kingdom.
Procedures for Passengers who did not Receive an Entry Stamp.
An alien who enters the Kingdom at recognized check-points but who did not receive a visa stamp, can apply for a visa as follows:
* If the point of entry was Bangkok International Airport: Please report to the officer on duty at Room 519, 5th Floor, Old Building, Immigration Bureau, Soi Suan Plu, Sathorn District, Bangkok. Tel. 287-3101-10 Ext. 2191
* If the entry point was a provincial checkpoint: Please report to the officer at Section 1 (Administration & Personnel), 9" Floor, New Building, Tel. 287-1913 or 287-3101-10 Ext. 2161-2. The officer on duty will make the necessary entries/corrections in your passport.
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